Car Marks have been trading since 1969, much longer than our competitors. We believe that the service we offer is the best – the most efficient, easiest and friendly way to sell, buy or search for that cherished personal number.

Price Promise – We will endeavour to match or beat any price quoted where a number is available from another registration dealer, where we are both advertising an identical or similar registration.

Full Transfer Service – Sit back and let us take care of the paperwork! For your peace of mind we provide a full transfer service and deal with all the DVLA documentation at No Extra Cost.

Car Marks is open 7 days a week. Our staff are not telesales personnel – they are approachable, highly trained people who provide you with extremely competitive prices and hands-on customer service. Contact us.

    CAR MARKS – PO BOX 99 – HULL – HU1 3EZ

    TEL:01482 222 223 FAX:01482 222 225